Definition of Medical Record

Definition of Medical Record in a variety of literature written in a different sense, like this dibawab:

1. According to Edna K. Huffman: Medical Record adalab file stating who, what, why, where, when and how services diperoleb a patient during treatment or undergo treatment.

2. According to the Ministerial Regulation No. 749a/Menkes! Per/XII/1989:

Medical Record is a file beiisi records and documents about the identity of patients, the results of the examination, treatment, action and other services received by patients at kesebatan facilities, both outpatient and inpatient.

3. According to Hatta Gemala

Medical Record is a collection of facts about a person's life and medical history, including disease states, current treatment and during the past written oleb health practitioners in their efforts to provide health services to patients.

4. Waters and Murphy:

Compendium (summaries) containing information about the state of the patient during treatment or for health maintenance. "

5. IDI: As the record in written form or description of service activities provided by the providers of medical services / health care to a patient.

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